Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jordan Byte ... Politics 101

Introducing a two-parts article by my dear friend Hamza Al-Amoosh talking about the political spectrum in Jordan.

What a Great Start to his new born blog.

See : Part 1 , Part 2

Be sure to check it out.

Personal Byte ... I guess I am back

That's only a guess though.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saudi Byte ... From a Saudi Girl to Saudi Men

أنت منذ الصغر تتباهى بملابسك البيضاء، المكوية بعناية شديدة و بالغترة البيضاء

الغارقة في "النشاء" و التي تعطيك إطلالة جميلة و هيبة تدل على الترتيب و التأنق

و تبعد عنك حرارة الشمس الحارقة.

أنا من الصغر و في سن الشقاوة و اللعب "أتكعبل" بالعباءة السوداء التي تجذب أشعة الشمس،

و التي في أحيان كثيرة تجعلني أصل لدرجة الغليان ...

أكمل هنا

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Movie Byte ... Mseebeh

Yet another short movie by my friend Basel ...

Of course these are experimental movies only done in a few hours ... but that is what every movie fan should do ... keep the camera rolling ...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Movie Byte ... A Warmer Shade of Gray

After two years on the dusty shelf ... Abeer here decided that enough is enough :)

Here is my first attempt (with a group of course) to make it into the movie business ...

I hope you can enjoy it ... it was done in a rush with the efforts of only two members of the team in the final days (I was busy with moving to our new house) ...

More Here. I hope you can enjoy it.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Saudi Byte ... Internet Wisdom


إن نظام ترشيح وحجب المحتويات المعمول به في المملكة يسبب قدراً ضئيلاً من الإزعاج لمستخدمي الإنترنت في المملكة، وأحياناً لا يسبب أي إزعاج، ولكنه مقابل ذلك يحمي الكثير من المستخدمين من المحتويات المؤذية والعدوانية التي يمكن أن تصل إليهم عبر الإنترنت. لذا، فإن نظام ترشيح وحجب محتويات الإنترنت سيتم الحفاظ عليه وتحسينه في المملكة مستقبلاً

ما الواجب تذكره عند التدوين؟

عليك تذكر شيئين قبل أن تبدأ بكتابة ونشر مقلاتك الخاصة بك:

إذا كانت مدونتك الإلكترونية عامة فإن بإمكان الجميع قراءة مقالاتك بما فيهم والدك، معلمك، جارك و مديرك الحالي والمستقبلي في العمل، وقبل هذا كله عليك مراقبة الله - جل وعلا - في كل ما تكتب.

يمكن العثور على أي شيء قمت بإرساله إلى شبكة الإنترنت حتى لو قمت فيما بعد بإزالة المادة الأصلية من موقعك الإلكتروني.

وبناء عليه ينصح بالتفكير بجدية في كل مقالة داخل المدونة الإلكترونية وكل تعليق تكتبه على شبكة الإنترنت، واسأل نفسك السؤال التالي: ماذا يمكن أن يحصل على سبيل المثال إذا كان بمقدور والدك أو مديرك في العمل الاطلاع على مقالك أو تعليقاتك في (أ) الوقت الحالي أو (ب) بعد 10 سنوات من الآن؟

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Personal Byte ... The Embarrass-yourself- like-Rambling Hal Tag

hmmmmmmm ...

1- I love cooking ... in fact i dont just love it ... i am very good at it ... but i dont share it here because certain people do that all the time and i dont want anything to do with them ...

2- I wash my hands like 30 times a day ... sometimes i wake up from my sleep to wash my hands ...

3- I am actually considering hair implants ... or anything that would give me my hair back ...

4- I actually watch star academy ... but this year i dont have the time ...

5- I have the loudest sneeze ever ...

6- I was so lazy as a kid ... I never got a wound that needed stitches or a bruise that needed a cast or a band ... not one thing ...

7- and last but not least ... i failed more than 70 credits in university ... and i know that qualifies me to be really dumb but sadly i am not ...

there you have it ... tag yourself if u want to ...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Saudi Byte ... Red means stop

Just your dosage of regular shit from the kingdom of lunacy.

I avoid going out on V-day and the couple of days before it to stay out of all th fuss.

Thank God for the internet.

Personal Byte ... Back back back

for further details don't look anywhere ... you won't find them anywhere ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Adab Byte ... A Farewell Letter by Gabriel Garcia Marqeuz

Easy ... He is not dead yet ... but they say the great writer has health issues ... and he is in his bed now ... he wrote this letter ... which I would like to share ... I read it and I was Speechless ... If Marquez feels this way about his life , how should we feel ?

A Farewell Letter

If for an instant God were to forget that I am rag doll and gifted me with a piece of life,

possibly I wouldn't say all that I think,

but rather I would think of all that I say.

I would value things,

not for their worth but for what they mean.

I would sleep little, dream more,

understanding that for each minute we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light.

I would walk when others hold back.

I would wake when others sleep.

I would listen when others talk,

and how I would enjoy a good chocolate ice cream!

If God were to give me a piece of life,

I would dress simply,

throw myself face first into the sun,

baring not only my body but also my soul.

My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hate on ice,

and wait for the sun to show.

Over the stars I would paint with a Van Gogh dream a Benedetti poem,

and a Serrat song would be the serenade I'd offer to the moon.

With my tears I would water roses,

to feel the pain of their thorns,

and the red kiss of their petals.

My God, if I had a piece of life...

I wouldn't let a single day pass without telling the people I love that I love them.

I would convince each woman and each man that they are my favorites,

and I would live in love with love.

I would show men how very wrong they are to think that they cease to be in love when they grow old,

not knowing that they grow old when they cease to love!

To a child I shall give wings,

but I shall let him learn to fly on his own.

I would teach the old that death does not come with old age,

but with forgetting.

So much have I learned from you, oh men...

I have learned that everyone wants to live on the peak of the mountain,

without knowing that real happiness is in how it is scaled.

I have learned that when a newborn child squeezes for the first time with his tiny fist his father's finger,

he has him trapped forever.

I have learned that a man has the right to look down on another only when he has to help the other get to his feet.

From you I have learned so many things,

but in truth they won't be of much use,

for when I keep them within this suitcase,

unhappily shall I be dying.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Palestine Byte ... A Candle for Gaza | شمعة من أجل غزة

A Candle for Gaza | شمعة من أجل غزة

A Call For Humanity,

Gaza is living in the dark, Help as much as you can.

نداء للإنسانية،

غزة تعيش في الظلام، افعل ما بإمكانك للمساعدة.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Personal Byte ... 25

Quarter of a century ...

I welcome myself into the late twenties ...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Movie Byte ... Empty Peanut (Jordanian Short Movie)

This is a short Movie made by my dear friends Basel and Motasem ...

Dudes ... some day our fooling around with the camera will take us somewhere ...

Enjoy you all ... the video is on Facebook in a larger resolution than Youtube ... choose what suits you ...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jordan Byte ... The End of The 1 JD DVDs ?

Just a bit of news I would like to share, I hope it's just a stunt.

I remember reading an article about "leaving the 1 JD shops alone" lately but I can't remember where.

But you all better get your stack for the year, just in case.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Saudi Byte ... Free Fouad

Silence For Fouad ...

Sorry I'm late I mixed up with the dates ...

Friday, January 4, 2008

Music Byte ... Kate Nash - Foundations

This is a great new singer ... she has the funniest and most adorable songs ... its like singing black comedy ... and isn't her accent the sexiest ?? i couldn't relate to the accent it seems like a mix of 10 accents all together ... but its VERY SEXY ...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Personal Byte .... On Surfing in bed, Douche bags and Typos

This convo tool place between me and my cuz Dandoon two days ago i think ...

Isam says:
Dandoon says:
Dandoon says:
whats up
Isam says:
they should find a solution to the computers
Isam says:
they are too uncomfortable
Dandoon says:
hehe...on tooo many levels
Dandoon says:
what is making you uncomfortable
Isam says:
i cant find the right position to surf while in bed
Isam says:
while using a mouse and plugging the laptop in the charger
Dandoon says:
Dandoon says:
use too many pillows
Dandoon says:
and quit the mouse
Isam says:
i cant quit the mouse
Isam says:
cuz i have to disable the touchpad
Isam says:
speaking of touchpad
Isam says:
what does douchebag mean ?
Dandoon says:
craphead i think
Isam says:
i have been hearing this word a lot recently
Dandoon says:
Isam says:
what is a crap head?
Dandoon says:
we call a prof that
Dandoon says:
shit head
Isam says:
dana use a non slang word
Dandoon says:
his head is probably full of crap, and so is his conversations
Dandoon says:
douche m3naha shit
Isam says:
or tell me who is the biggest douchebag in the world
Isam says:
Isam says:
i thought it meant shower in french
Isam says:
fa i thought abt it
Isam says:
and said maybe guys who are so gay they take care of their hair
Isam says:
and use bags on their heads to protect it
Isam says:
sth like that
Dandoon says:
Isam says:
but it didnt make sense
Isam says:
laugh laugh
Isam says:
Dandoon says:
you have to admit it it is funny...literal translation is always funny
Isam says:
Isam says:
is this bloggable ?
Dandoon says:
sure...edit any thing spelled incorrectly ...for the sake of the readers
Isam says:
Dandoon says:
wow .. look how much i misspelled in the last sentence. LOL
Isam says:
and u know what ... even if u said itsnot bloggable ... i was gonna
Dandoon says:
3ade i woul have too
Dandoon says:
Isam says:
Isam says:
well the blogged part ends here ... damn i like having internet in house in bed ... its so awesome

I know it's too lame ... but i'm out of material and i need to get this blog running again ... and i corrected all the typos i really couldn't keep them ... they give a really bad image ... there were more than 110 typos in this conversation ... WA3

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Personal Byte ... Back

yes ... exactly on the beginning of the new year ...

I wish all of you a Happy 2008 ...

More to come ...